Solar Ground Mount Systems
  • The UK launches a new round of large-scale renewable energy auctions, including solar energy for the first time since 2015
    The UK launches a new round of large-scale renewable energy auctions, including solar energy for the first time since 2015
    • December 22, 2021

    The fourth round of contract for difference (CfD) plan is expected to allocate 12 GW of renewable energy capacity. The British government believes that mature solar and onshore wind energy technologies are entitled to up to 5 GW of capacity, but the limited budget of these two technologies may not be enough to reach this level. The British Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) today launched the fourth round of contract for difference (CFD) plans to help deploy utility-scale renewable energy projects. The British government has allocated 285 million pounds for a new round of auctions, and for the first time since 2015, solar energy and onshore wind energy have been included in competing energy sources. However, only 10 million pounds of it are dedicated to solar energy and land-based wind energy, both of which are defined as mature technologies by the government. Most of the funds will be earmarked for offshore wind power, tidal power and floating offshore wind power projects. BEIS hopes to sign a renewable energy capacity of about 12 GW through this round of auctions, which is more than the total capacity of the previous three rounds of auctions. BEIS said: “Since 2015, onshore wind and solar energy have participated in competitive distribution for the first time. The government hopes that these two technologies will make a huge contribution to production capacity and help us achieve the level of deployment needed to achieve climate change goals.” The ministry also added It is pointed out that the total capacity of solar and wind energy in this auction may not exceed 5 GW, and the purchase capacity limit of 3.5 GW has been set for these two technologies.

  • Japan releases new agrivoltaics guidelines
    Japan releases new agrivoltaics guidelines
    • December 15, 2021

    With the solar installation reaching 200 MW, the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) of Japan recently issued new guidelines for the development and construction of ground-based agrivoltaics facilities, and excludes facilities that do not grow crops or livestock during the planning stage to increase Such projects exist in this land-scarce country. Due to building regulations, the height of agrivoltaics projects must not exceed 9 meters. Therefore, projects that use trackers or facilities installed in barns and gardening greenhouses have been excluded from the guidelines. Existing solar power plants that introduce crop growth or livestock after the project planning and construction phase may not necessarily be considered as agrivoltaics power plants. The difference between this type of solar power plant and a project considered as an agrivoltaics facility is whether the plant is planned from the design stage to achieve the best agricultural production. In addition, in the case of agrivoltaics power generation, the land The type is regarded as farmland, so there are related tax incentives. Most of the agrivoltaics power plants in Japan are built under the country's feed-in tariff plan. According to recent statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, as of the end of September, Japan has 200MW grid-connected agrivoltaics projects in operation. These projects cover a total area of about 181.6 hectares, spread all over the country. Agrivoltaics projects are deployed on farmland, so there is no tax issue, and even in urban areas, the land can be used very cheaply. Therefore, the rapid growth of solar power plants under the national feed-in tariff will gradually be replaced by agricultural photovoltaics. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) recently identified land scarcity and grid congestion as the two main reasons behind the limited success of six solar auctions in Japan. IRENA also pointed out the high cost of solar photovoltaic brackets in the Japanese market. It said that in addition to high land costs and grid congestion, it is particularly difficult to obtain permits for solar parks with a scale of more than 40 MW in Japan because of the lengthy approval process.

  • The monthly birthday party is here!
    The monthly birthday party is here!
    • November 26, 2021

    Wintop is a professional manufacturer of solar bracket and a warm company.We holds birthday parties every month for employees who celebrate their birthdays in that month. There are two employees who have a birthday in November, one is our design supervisor and the other is our English salesman. On this beautiful day, we wish them a happy birthday! There are delicious cakes and afternoon tea below! In such a loving family, everyone will work harder.

  • Bifacial solar modules excluded from Section 201 tariffs
    Bifacial solar modules excluded from Section 201 tariffs
    • November 22, 2021

    In order to win the photovoltaic solar industry, the U.S. Court of International Trade (CIT) excluded bifacial solar modules from Section 201 tariffs. In addition to the exclusion, the CIT reduced the Section 201 tariff rate from 18% to 15% after it was raised to 18% in Proclamation 10101. The court concluded, “Proclamation 10101’s withdrawal of the exclusion of bifacial solar panels and increase of the safeguard duties on CSPV modules constituted both a clear misconstruction [of] the statute and action outside the President’s delegated authority.” Following is a statement from Abigail Ross Hopper, president and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) on this positive decision: “The decision by the U.S. Court of International Trade to strike down an order by President Trump to change the step-down rate for the Section 201 tariffs and reverse the bifacial module exclusion was clearly the right conclusion. Both actions were an unlawful attempt to harshen the Section 201 tariffs. “We are committed to building the U.S. solar manufacturing supply chain and we believe there are policies in the Build Back Better Act that will help grow American manufacturing. We look forward to working with the Biden administration and Congress to get these critical policies, including Senator John Ossoff’s Solar Energy Manufacturing for America Act, over the finish line.” Through this positive decision, the sustainable development of the solar energy industry will be used more widely.

  • The Rise Of Solar Energy
    The Rise Of Solar Energy
    • November 22, 2021

    The world is adopting renewable energy at an unprecedented pace, and Pv solar power is the energy source leading the way. Despite a 4.5% fall in global energy demand in 2020, Visual Capitalist's Govind Bhutada notes that renewable energy technologies showed promising progress. While the growth in renewables was strong across the board, solar power led from the front with 127 gigawatts installed in 2020, its largest-ever annual capacity expansion. China is the undisputed leader in solar installation system, with over 35% of global capacity. What’s more, China is showing no signs of slowing down. It has the world’s largest wind and solar power project in the pipeline, which could add another 400,000MW to its clean energy capacity. In 2020, President Xi Jinping stated that China aims to be carbon neutral by 2060, and the country is taking steps to get there. China is a leader in the solar energy industry, and it seems to have cracked the code for the entire solar supply chain. In 2019, Chinese firms produced 66% of the world’s polysilicon, the initial building block of silicon-based photovoltaic (PV) panels. Furthermore, more than three-quarters of solar cells came from China, along with 72% of the world’s PV panels. With that said, it’s no surprise that 5 of the world’s 10 largest solar parks are in China, and it will likely continue to build more as it transitions to carbon neutrality. The energy transition is a major factor in the rise of renewables, but solar’s growth is partly due to how cheap it has become over time. This year, solar costs are rising due to supply chain issues, but the rise is likely to be temporary as bottlenecks resolve.

  • Wintop factory moved to Xiang'an, Xiamen
    Wintop factory moved to Xiang'an, Xiamen
    • November 19, 2021

    Xiamen Wintop New Energy Tech Co., Ltd is a manufacturer specializing in aluminum solar mounting system,locating in Xiamen, Fujian Province. With the growth of the company's business orders, the original old factory is far from being able to match the production capacity of the orders, so it was decided to relocate to a larger new factory to cope with the increasing orders. Our new factory is located at No. 1021-6, Xiangbei Road, Maxiang Street, Xiang'an District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province. The factory covers an area of 35 acres, and larger plants and more advanced equipment will obtain more production capacity. In addition, we have also introduced a more convenient automatic weighing assembly line to make the packaging of our solar mounting accessories more convenient and faster. More intelligent equipment makes products more accurate and stable. In the future, we will continue to work hard to create more high-quality photovoltaic mounting bracket products.

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