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Home News Industry News The Land Management Bureau proposes to develop 31 million acres of land in the western region for solar energy development

The Land Management Bureau proposes to develop 31 million acres of land in the western region for solar energy development

  • September 03, 2024
The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced today its proposed roadmap for developing solar energy on public lands, aimed at expanding permits for efficient and environmentally friendly solar energy projects on public lands in the western region. The final utility scale solar plan environmental impact statement and proposed resource management plan amendment (also known as the proposed updated Western Solar Plan) released today coincides with the Biden Harris administration releasing new data on improving the federal licensing process to help more projects be carried out more efficiently across the United States.

The updated Western Solar Plan will help build a modern and resilient energy infrastructure, creating a strong clean energy economy and protecting our communities from the worsening effects of climate change, "said Steve Feldgus, Chief Deputy Assistant Secretary for Land and Mineral Management. Through extensive planning and collaboration, we not only protect our public lands, but also ensure faster and more efficient licensing of solar projects, avoid conflicts, and achieve an appropriate balance while advancing clean energy and protecting the environment

The proposed updated Western Solar Plan was developed based on public feedback and will guide BLM's management of solar proposals and projects on public land. This plan will make over 31 million acres of public land in 11 western states available for potential solar development, with development sites located near power lines or previously damaged land, and avoiding protected land, sensitive cultural resources, and wildlife habitats.

This plan updates and expands the original 2012 Western Solar Plan to reflect technological changes and meet higher demand for solar energy development. In addition to the six states originally planned for analysis, the plan also analyzed five other western states (Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, and Wyoming).

The updated Western Solar Plan is a responsible and pragmatic strategy aimed at developing solar energy on public land in China, supporting national clean energy goals and long-term national energy security, "said Tracy Stone Manning, Director of the Land Management Bureau. It will promote responsible development of solar energy in areas with less potential conflict, while helping the country transition to a clean energy economy, further fulfilling the mission of the Land Management Bureau to maintain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for use and enjoyment by present and future generations

The proposed solar energy project will still undergo location specific environmental review and public opinion solicitation. This final statement follows the draft for public consultation released in January 2024, with stakeholder feedback helping BLM make additional updates that will help protect wildlife habitats and migration corridors, as well as other key resources, while clarifying low conflict areas and project design methods to the industry to guide responsible development.

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